We Help Tech Leaders in Financial Services

Unlock Innovation using Cloud Native Technologies

Consulting | Advisory | Training

By 2028, Over  95% of Global Organizations will Run Containerized Applications in Production *

For a decade, we developed deep expertise in application containers, Kubernetes, the cloud native ecosystem, and sectoral knowledge by partnering with companies in the financial services industry.

* According to Gartner

Let’s navigate this together

How We Can Help You Unlock Innovation

Security, Compliance, and Auditing

In the realm of cloud native technologies, your digital experience is not just about speed and scalability, but also about shielding your applications and platforms in a fortress of security. From PCI DSS to SOC 2, GDPR, and beyond to integrate processes seamlessly ensuring your cloud native investments are untroubled by cyberattacks and compliance concerns. 

AI/ML Workloads on Kubernetes

Kubernetes can streamline the machine learning lifecycle providing developers with the agility and scalability to train and deploy ML models while unlocking the full potential of GPUs to reduce AI model training time and costs.
The agility of  microservices can make banking, payments, and trading services lightweight, scalable, and  respond quickly to peak loads and market changes.

Transaction Processing at Scale

Adopting Kubernetes can cause an increase in cloud spend and It's vital to maximize the efficiency and scalability of application containers and Kubernetes in cloud environments.  Cloud costs should be monitored, measured, and controlled with the right tooling following FinOps principles. A portion of the savings can go to increase the bonus pool, pay for IT certifications,..etc as engineers love to have a skin in the game.

Cloud Cost Optimization

Your Cloud Native Journey

Work with one our experts to understand your situation and goals.



Assessment of the current state, future state, and the gap to get you there.



Collaborate on 2-week sprints to build, scale, and secure your applications and platforms.



Continued Training and advisory provided to your teams to better understand the technology and drive results.



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